Trademark Search & Clearance
Before adopting and promoting a new name, it is advisable a trademark search be conducted prior to using or applying to register a mark in order to ascertain whether the use of your mark is likely to infringe prior registered marks.
If you finds out yourself using another party's registered trademark, at least you can immediately stop using the trademark. Long and extensive use of the brand or trademark could be costly. You could have to change products, letterhead, business cards, and other promotional materials such as brochures, signs, advertisements, and your website. In the worst-case scenario, when you use someone else's registered trademark improperly, you could be held liable for money damages. We have conducted comprehensive trademark searches both in Indonesia and overseas to ensure our clients' desired trademark is available for use and registration. As trademark attorneys, based on our experience and expertise, we will check for existing trademarks that could potentially conflict with yours, helping you avoid legal issues down the line. Our trademark search report identifies all similar existing registered trademarks to the one you are proposing. It also include our advice on availability and registrability to assist you in making a decision to proceed with registration or make amendments to the proposed trademark. |