Countries covered by our Trademark Services:
Indonesia & worldwide. |
Where your brands go, we go!
Intellectual property (IP) rights are territorial and your protection here in Indonesia will not extend to other countries. If you want your trade mark to be protected overseas you have to make applications to each of the separate countries in which you require protection. Trademark registration gives the trademark owner an exclusive right to use your trade mark and take action against anybody infringing your rights within the country concerned. If you export or plan to export your goods or services you should seriously consider extending the trade mark, patent or registered design protection you have in Indonesia to the countries in which you are selling. As trademark attorneys, we enjoy helping Indonesian businesses take their brands to market, both locally and overseas. We can accommodate clients seeking international trademark protection. Through our qualified network of associate law firms and agents, our trademark specialists will assist you through the entire trademark registration process (with the filing and prosecution of applications) in other jurisdictions. We conduct a trademark search to check whether the trademark is available, we register the trademark with the official authorities and if needed we carefully watch any possible infringements of your trademark rights. Contact us if you wish to obtain overseas registration for your trademark. |
The Direct Route:
The Regional Route: